1. Pride of Bumblebee /60点
You've scouted the world thoroughly. All the secret icons have been collected.
收集所有的秘密标示(secret icon),包含能量砖和技能道具
2. Pride of Megatron /20点
200 Autobot Drones have fallen before you.
3. Pride of Optimus Prime /20点
200 Decepticon Drones have met their match.
4. Transform and Roll Out /10点
You've transformed for the first time.
5. Robots in Disguise /25点
You've transformed 500 times.
6. Keeper of the AllSpark /75点
There is no Transformer that stands greater than you. You have achieved 100% completion.
7. Sideways Motion /15点
You can handle turns with ease. Achieved full Slide Skill.
8. Wrong Way! /15点
You're living dangerously. Ram 250 Cars
9. Shot Putter /15点
You've sent objects flying. Achieved full Throw Skill.
10. Speed Demon /15点
You've really burned rubber. Achieved full Speed Skill.
11. What Challenge? /10点
You have handled a challenge with ease. Complete your first Challenge sub-mission.
12. Pride of Ironhide /15点
You are the epitome of an Autobot. Achieved full Heroic Skill.
学到所有heroic skill
13. Pride of Brawl /15点
Your destruction comes naturally as a Decepticon. Achieved full Destruction Skill.
学到所有destruction skill,在沙漠关卡用轰天雷(坦克车)不断摧毁建筑物,直到成就获得.
14. Mad Skillz /40点
You are skilled beyond belief. Achieved all Skill items on all levels
所有关卡学到所有skill item
15. We Don't Need Roads /15点
Who needs roads when you can fly through the air? Achieved full Jump Skill.
16. Root of all Evil /15点
You take pride in destroying your enemies. Achieved full Evil Skill.
17. Suburban Hero /25点
Bumblebee helped protect Sam in The Suburbs.
完成the suburbs任务
18. Suburban Hero Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in The Suburbs.
19. Neighbourhood Watch /25点
You continued your defense of The Suburbs as Jazz and Optimus Prime.
用爵士或柯博文完成more than meets the eye关卡
20. Neighborhood Watch Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in the suburbs.
21. Could You Describe the Ruckus? /25点
Bumblebee caused a disturbance in order to escape the Hoover Dam with the AllSpark.
完成inside hoover dam任务
22. The Ruckus? Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in Inside Hoover Dam.
在inside hoover dam关卡完成所有支线任务
23. Downtown Defender /25点
The Last Stand has been made. There's only one thing left to do...
完成the last stand任务
24. Downtown Defender Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in Autobot City.
完成autobot city关卡的所有支线任务
25. Look to the Stars /50点
Megatron and the Decepticons are finished. Earth is safe... for now...
完成the ultimate doom任务
26. Sand Blaster /25点
The humans have much to fear. Qatar is destroyed.
完成soccent military base任务
27. Sand Blaster Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in Qatar Desert.
在qatar desert关卡完成所有支线任务
28. Suburban Scourge /25点
The Autobots fall before you. The Suburbs are done for.
完成the hunt for sam任务
29. Suburban Scourge Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in The Hunt for Sam Witwicky.
30. Air Traffic Destroyer /25点
Starscream's power knows no bounds. The airbase's defenses are obsolete.
完成a gathering force任务
31. Air Traffic Destroyer Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in the Airbase.
32. Downtown Demolisher /25点
The city is in ruins. There's only one thing left to do...
完成city of the machines任务
33. Downtown Demolisher Challenger /20点
Completed all challenge sub-missions in the Decepticon City.
完成decepticon city关卡的所有支线任务
34. Finish this Planet /50点
Optimus and the Autobots are but a memory. Earth is yours.
完成day of the machines任务
35. Weapon Systems Inactive /20点
Your enemy knows the might of your fist. Complete Suburbs Chapter 1 using only melee attacks.
36. Sharp Shooter /40点
You're destructive and efficient. Complete Airbase Chapter 3 with more than 2:30 minutes remaining.
37. Turbo? We don’t need no turbo! /30点
You've got a lead foot and it shows. Complete Hoover Internal Chapter 2 without using boost.
不用加速器完成tunnel vision任务(hoover internal第二章)
38. Land Shark /10点
The enemy can't hit you if they can't see you. Spend 2 minutes underground.
39. Batter Up /10点
Find a bat and make your enemy fly.
40. Pit Crew /10点
Stop your enemy in their tracks!! Use a large tire to harm your enemy.
41. Ring-A-Ding-Ding /10点
Dial up some pain for your enemy. Use the Helio phone as a weapon.
42. I know Kung-Fu /30点
You are quite skilled Grasshoppa. Perform 1000 punches.
更多+- 08/27
- 08/27
- 08/27
- 08/27
- 08/27