龙腾世纪:起源 资料片:觉醒-新增职业专精技能翻译+点评
时间:2023-05-27 来源:本站 作者:佚名
战士专精: 灵魂武士 Specialization: Spirit Warrior 这个专精超强力,无论是肉还是DPS都可以获得强力技能,可以说算是战士中最好的一个专精! 专精解锁:Amaranthine的Octham’s Goods 专精技能:冒号后为技能所需等级 帷幕彼岸(持续):20 Beyond the Veil:20 战士穿上一件来自于Fade的神秘能量斗篷,以抵挡相当一部分物理伤害,但这个模式会快速消耗体力。如果战士拥有灵魂烙印技能,此模式还将提供一定几率抵挡负面法术,战士的所有攻击将为灵魂伤害,无视对方护甲(……)。如果战士拥有梦境祝福,抵挡负面法术的几率将进一步提升,并提高战士的移动和攻击速度。 The warrior dons a cloak of mystical energies from the Fade in order to evade a substantial proportion of physical attacks, although the mode drains stamina constantly. If the warrior has Soulbrand, this mode also adds a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and the warrior’s attacks all deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor. If the warrior has Blessing of the Fade, the chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed. 灵魂烙印(被动):22 Soulbrand:22 战士获得与灵魂世界更深层次的连接。当激活帷幕彼岸时,战士获得一定抵挡负面法术的概率,所有攻击为灵魂伤害,无视对方护甲(法术抵抗+5%,灵魂伤害+5%)。 The warrior has gained a deeper connection to the spirit world. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior gains a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and attacks now deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor (magic resistance +5, spirit damage +5%). 梦境爆破(主动):25 Fade Burst:25 战士引爆来自帷幕另一端的能量,对所有周围敌人造成灵魂伤害,对来自梦境的生物有额外伤害。造成的伤害值取决于战士的意志力属性。可能伤害队友。 The warrior bursts with energies drawn from the other side of the Veil, dealing spirit damage to all enemies nearby, particularly harming creatures from the Fade. The amount of damage depends on the warrior’s willpower attribute. Friendly fire possible. 梦境祝福(被动):28 Blessing of the Fade:28 战士能够从梦境中的友善灵魂上汲取力量。当帷幕彼岸被激活时,战士抵挡负面法术的几率将进一步提升,并提高移动和攻击速度(法术抵抗+5%,灵魂伤害+5%)。 The warrior is able to draw strength from the benevolent spirits of the Fade. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior’s chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed (magic resistance +5, spirit damage +5%). 守卫者 Specialization: Guardian 肉盾首选,技能效果都是和血量挂钩的,主要是给团队加buff,也可以加在自己身上从而更加的肉 专精解锁:Vigil’s Keep的Herren’s Merchandise 守卫之盾(主动):20 Guardian’s Shield:20 忠于保护队友的守卫者在一名队友的周围建立一道护盾吸收伤害,大小取决于守卫者的体魄属性。守卫大师增加护盾的强度。 The Guardian, dedicated to protecting allies, builds a shield around a party member that absorbs an amount of damage based on the Guardian’s constitution attribute. Master Guardian increases the strength of the shield. 强化存在(主动): Fortifying Presence:22 守卫者将整个队伍笼罩在神秘保护中,临时增加每个成员的护甲,强度和持续时间取决于守卫者的体魄属性。守卫大师提高护甲的加成。 The Guardian sheathes the entire party in mystical protection, granting each member a temporary bonus to armor, with strength and duration both dependent on the Guardian’s constitution attribute. Master Guardian increases the armor bonus. 守卫大师(被动):25 Master Guardian:25 守卫者投入到作为真正的保护者的生命中。守卫者之盾现在承受更多伤害,强化存在提供更多的护甲加成。 The Guardian has committed to life as a true defender. Guardian’s Shield now absorbs more damage, and Fortifying Presence now provides a greater armor bonus. 强健光环:28 Aura of the Stalwart Defender:28 当处于这个模式时,守卫者牺牲自己来保护队友。创造一个力场,如果敌人试图离开这个力场,除非通过物理抗性判定,否则将被拉向守卫者。此模式只能在战斗时激活。 While this mode is active, the Guardian makes a personal sacrifice in order to preserve allies, creating a field that pulls a foe back toward the Guardian if it tries to leave the field unless the enemy passes a physical resistance check. This mode can only be activated during combat. 法师专精: 丛林看守 Specialization: Keeper 就是原版中Dalish Elf的那个光头老大的角色,比较有意思的一个专精,主技能让自己不能移动,成为一个回血超快输出高的防御塔…… 专精解锁:Henley’s Apothecary in Amaranthine 自然之力(持续):20 One with Nature:20 丛林看守与大地的纽带创造出一个防御性力场,丛林看守在施法时不能移动,但对进入力场的敌人造成自然伤害和移动速度惩罚。 The Keeper’s bond with the earth creates a defensive field that immobilizes the Keeper for as long as this spell is active, but inflicts nature damage and a penalty to movement speed on any enemy that enters the field. 荆棘之刃(主动):22 Thornblades:22 丛林看守从地下召唤树根对处于自然之力创造出的力场中的敌人造成物理伤害。树根会击倒没有通过物理抗性判定的敌人。 The Keeper calls roots from beneath the earth to inflict physical damage on all enemies within the field created by One with Nature. The roots also knock enemies back unless they pass a physical resistance check. 生命回复(被动):25 Replenishment:25 没有活着的生物能逃过生命的轮回;所有逝去的生命都将回归大地。现在法师在丛林看守法术造成伤害时回复一定生命。当一个敌人在自然之力的力场内死亡时,他的躯体将被消耗,在短时间内为法师大幅增加生命回复速度。 No living thing can escape the cycle of life; all who fall return to the earth. The mage now regains some health whenever a Keeper spell inflicts damage. When an enemy dies within the field of One with Nature, the body is consumed, giving the mage a large bonus to health regeneration for a short time. 自然复仇(主动):28 Nature’s Vengeance:28 丛林看守从地下召唤巨大的树根攻击区域内所有敌人,在短时间内刺穿没有通过物理抗性判定的敌人。 The Keeper summons gigantic roots from within the ground to attack all enemies in the area, impaling the opponents for a short time unless they pass a physical resistance check. 战斗法师 Specialization: Battlemage 超强力啊!第一招吸血光环是消耗魔法造成伤害同时回血,第三招坚忍不拔是把受到的伤害转换为法力,这两招配合使用……第二招相当于水系一二级法术的加强版,第四招就是所有元素系终极法术的合体。 DPS法师补完计划:秘法斗士+战斗法师+资料片新出的法术……一个字:逆天!当然前提是法力足够多 专精解锁:Amaranthine’s Crown和Lion Inn的店小二 吸血光环(持续):20 Draining Aura:20 战斗法师因战斗的白热而亢奋,只要激活此法术,将制造一个力场从周围的敌人上吸取生命来治疗自己。每当一个敌人被吸取生命,法术将消耗少量战斗法师的法力。 The Battlemage thrives in the heat of combat, creating a field that drains life from nearby enemies to heal the mage for as long as the spell is active. Each time an enemy is drained, the spell consumes a small amount of the Battlemage’s mana. 寒冬之手(主动):22 Hand of Winter:22 战斗法师释放一个极度寒冷的冲击波,对周围敌人造成伤害。冰冻没有通过物理抗性判定的敌人,否则会造成移动速度惩罚。 The Battlemage releases a burst of intense cold, damaging nearby enemies as well as freezing them unless they pass a physical resistance check, and inflicting a penalty to movement speed otherwise. 坚忍不拔(被动):25 Stoic:25 战斗法师学会了驾驭疼痛并转化为力量,每当收到伤害会回复法力。 The Battlemage has learned to harness pain and transform it into power, restoring mana whenever the mage suffers damage. 元素混沌(主动):28 Elemental Chaos:28 战斗法师制造混乱力场,只要激活此法术,将掀起能量对周围敌人依次造成各种元素伤害。此法术快速消耗法力。 The Battlemage creates a field of chaotic, swirling energy that continuously harms nearby enemies with damage from each of the elements in turn for as long as this spell is active. The spell consumes mana rapidly. 盗贼专精: 军团哨兵 Legionnaire Scout 这个专精也是肉盾必选的,基本上都是让你更抗打,皮更糙。后三招配合起来就等于上帝模式,前提是你耐力足够高。 Legion of the Dead,矮人敢死队,没事往Deep Roads里钻的亡命徒。 专精解锁:Amaranthine的Glassric’s Wares 军团标记(被动):20 Mark of the Legion:20 在死亡军团中生活下去是困难的,但那些幸存下来的人都练就了超常的毅力,大幅增加力量及体魄属性(力量+10,体魄+10) Life in the Legion of the Dead is difficult, but those who manage to survive develop great fortitude, gaining large bonuses to strength and constitution (strength +10, constitution +10). 石之力量(主动):22 Strength of Stone:22 仅凭借意志力,一名军团成员可以变得如同深渊之路的岩石一样坚硬。当激活这个技能时,军团哨兵在一定时间内对伤害或击倒效果免疫。 Through will alone, a legionnaire can become as implacable as the stone of the Deep Roads. When activated, the legionnaire becomes immune to damage or knockdown effects for a moderate time. 痛苦忍耐(持续):25 Endure Hardship:25 死人能有什么痛苦?只要此模式被激活,军团哨兵的生命不会被伤害影响,但会用耐力抵消。 What is pain to one who is already dead? For as long as this mode is active, the legionnaire’s health is unaffected by damage, which depletes stamina instead. 先祖祝福(被动):28 Blessing of the Ancestors:28 长期接触深渊之路中未提炼的Lyrium矿脉使得军团哨兵能够抵御魔法。当石之力量激活时,角色同样对魔法免疫,无论它们是负面还是正面法术。 Long days among the veins of unrefined lyrium in the Deep Roads have given the legionnaire the ability to resist magic. While Strength of Stone is active, the character is also immune to spells, whether hostile or friendly. 影子杀手 Shadow 这个专精是DPS盗贼专用,除了大幅造成伤害,还可以让敌人把注意力从自己转移到肉盾身上,从而有更多时间输出。感觉就像隐形刺客+幻影长矛手…… 另外这个专精的技能有几个是意译的,我实在不知道“深入进攻”听起来是啥意思(有那么一点点邪恶……嗯) 专精解锁: Vigil’s Keep throne room的Yuriah’s Wares 影子形态(持续):20 Shadow Form:20 当此模式被激活时,影子杀手转瞬间消失出现。由于敌人不能在角色身上集中注意力,杀手每攻击一次都让敌人降低对其的兴趣。此模式持续消耗耐力。 While this mode is active, the shadow flits in and out of concealment. Because enemies cannot concentrate on the character, each hit reduces their interest in the attacker. This mode consumes stamina continuously. 障眼之术(主动):22 Decoy:22 影子杀手长于误导敌人,制造一个替身在一段时间内吸引敌人注意,本身却悄然逃遁。 The shadow is a master of misdirection, creating a personal decoy that keeps enemies occupied for a short time while the actual character escapes in stealth. 直取要害(被动):25 Deep Striking:25 影子杀手更加熟练于声东击西,在使用影子形态时大幅提高背刺伤害,同时永久提高近战暴击概率。 The shadow has become more experienced in ambush and deception, gaining a large bonus to backstab damage while using Shadow Form as well as a permanent bonus to melee critical chance (critical chance +5). 乌烟瘴气(主动):28 Pandemonium:28 影子杀手释放毒烟,迷惑作用距离内的敌人,使他们逃走或是不分敌我地攻击。 The shadow releases an airborne toxin that confuses all enemies within range, causing them to either flee or attack a random target, whether friend or foe.