细心的同志们应该都已经发现,09里面的比赛习惯和08相比发生了不小的变化。主要是取消了很多的习惯,用Data Editor查看会发现09里面只有24个比赛习惯。现在把这些习惯收集整理和翻译了一下,方便大家~~~~至于训练里面那些让球员学习惯的选项还没有收集全,以后再说了~~~ 那些简单明了的习惯就一句话带过了。有些一直有争议和个人有疑问的都注了一下,翻译么都在一定程度上取决于译者的想法,所以如果大家有什么异议或者意见的,欢迎交流~~~~ 再罗嗦一句,那些习惯的英文解释都是SI 官方给出的。虽然都是FM05上的解释,但是应该不会有什么改变,毕竟习惯本身没变。人的思维都是有延续性的嘛。 ================================华丽的分隔线======================================== Argues With Officials - Likes to argue with referees and assistants 与裁判争论 Arrives Late In Opposition Area - Likes to make a late run to arrive in opposition area 后插上(进攻) Curls Ball - When shooting the player likes to attempt to curl the ball around the keeper 弧线球射门(尤指绕过门将的弧线球射门) Dwells On Ball - Pauses too long with ball before deciding what to do (negative trait as oppose to "Stops Play" which is more positive) 在处理球之前停顿时间过长(和更加积极的“Stops Play”习惯相对,趋向消极) 注:关于这个习惯有些疑问。因为09取消了stops play这个习惯,而这个英文解释来自于FM05,所以不排除09中将dwells on ball 和 stops play 两个习惯合并的可能。如果是那样的话,那么这个习惯就没有消极的含义,至少也是不褒不贬的中性。虽然这个可能性不大~~~~。附:stops play - Player who pauses and looks around before doing anything with ball——处理球前先观察场上情况。 Dives Into Tackles - Some player go to ground more than others (更多地)倒地铲球 注:关于这个习惯,我坚定地认为译成“一铲就倒”是完全错误的。一个是从字面来解释,一个是看那个让球员学习习惯的界面里面,与之对应的选项是Throws Himself into Tackles/Stays on His Feet Whilst Tackling a Player。 Does Not Dive Into Tackles - Some players tend to stay on there feet and clip the ball away instead of going to ground 不倒地铲球(同样,Not更适合译为“比较少”,基本就是指更多地尝试拦截或者破坏球而不是轻易地倒地铲球) 注:同上 Gets Into Opposition Area - A player who likes to get into the opposition's area whenever he can 一旦条件允许就进入对方半场 Gets Forward Whenever Possible - A non-striking player who likes to get into the box when it is possible 一有机会就前插(进入对方禁区) Hits Free Kicks With Power - Likes to blast free kicks rather than place 大力任意球 Likes To Round Keeper - When through on goal likes to attempt to go around the keeper with the ball rather than attempting to shot past the keeper 喜欢盘过门将(基本上就是单刀的时候用)
Likes to try to Beat the Offside Trap - Likes to try and time his runs to stay onside when the ball is played forward to him 经常尝试反越位 Likes To Lob Keeper - Likes to attempt to lob the keeper when the opportunity arises 喜欢吊过守门员 Moves Into Channels - A striker who likes to move into wide areas to receive the ball 移动到空档处 Plays Short Simple Passes - A player who prefers to make short passes rather than attempting killer balls or long passes 喜欢简单短传(而不是尝试传致命球或者长传) Places Shots - The player likes to place his shot accurately when shooting rather than blast with power 射门追求角度(相对于只追求力量的射门方式) Plays No Through Balls - Player to scared to try and make the killer pass 不传穿越球(个人感觉这个No更适合译为很少) Runs With Ball Down Left - Likes to dribble the ball down the left side 沿左路带球突破 Runs With Ball Down Right - Likes to dribble the ball down the right side 沿右路带球突破 Runs With Ball Through Centre - Likes to dribble the ball down the centre 在中路带球突破 Shoots Long - Likes to shoot from distance 喜欢远射 Shoots With Power - Likes to blast his shot with power 喜欢大力射门 Stays Back At All Times - Never goes forward (Generally central defender who never ventures over the half way line) 一直留在后场 Tries To Play Out Of Trouble - Like to use skill to get out of trouble rather then booting the ball to safety 尝试靠技术来摆脱困境,而不是为了安全而大脚解围 Tries Killer Balls Often - Tries to play a through ball to the strikers to get them clear on goal whenever possible 经常尝试传致命球(就是指穿越对方防线让己方前锋可以面对对方球门的传球) ================================华丽的分隔线======================================== 原始的 SI 官方解释出处: http://www.sigames.com/the_bootroom.php?type=view&article_id=1052
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