灰烬 全成就列表
时间:2023-03-12 来源:本站 作者:佚名
From Dust: Full list of All Achievements for Xbox 360 and PC Sanctuary - 20G: Create a sanctuary for the tribe 避难所— 20G:为部落创建一个避难所 Safe journey - 10G: Finish the story mode without losing more than 5 villages 安全之旅—10G:不多于5个村民死亡的情况下完成故事模式 Memories found - 20G: Complete the Memory of the tribe 追忆—20G:收集部落所有记忆 Exhaling - 10G: Create the Breath of the elements 呼吸—10G:创造出元素之息 Hell — 10G: Complete the Wildfire territory 地狱—110G:完成野火关卡 The end of our journey - 10G: Complete the Movements territory 旅途终焉—10G:完成迁徙关卡 Krakatau ——— 10G: Absorb a massive amount of lava during the game 喀拉喀托火山—10G:游戏期间吸收极大量的熔岩 Powermonger - 10G: Use the powers of the Breath 100 times 权利贩子—10G:利用力量之息100次 Amazon - 10G: Uproot and replant 100 trees during the game 亚马逊—10G:游戏期间砍伐、种植100棵树 Green Thumb - 20G: Cover each territory with vegetation 绿巨人—20G: 每个关卡区域都被植物覆盖 Gauntlet - 20G: Complete every challenge 铁手套—20G:完成每个挑战关卡 Last Breath - 50G: Complete all challenges, all territories, the Memory of the tribe and cover each map with vegetation 收官—50G:完成所有的挑战,所有关卡,收集所有部落记忆和每个地图都被植物覆盖